Toronto’s music scene continues to breed fresh talent, and WILLATNIGHT, a promising new rap artist, is making waves with his debut track, “Drama.” Produced by Nonehms...
Davido Electrifies Toronto on His Epic “TIMELESS” Tour On July 15, Toronto was swept away by the infectious beats of Afrobeats as the immensely talented Davido...
Discover the Dynamic Beats and Deep Rhetoric of OuttxRexch with ‘LIVIN’ OuttxRexch, a fresh and emerging rap artist from Toronto, brings a unique and dynamic sound...
Jamaican dancehall superstar Sean Paul set the stage on fire, bringing his infectious energy and electrifying performances to Toronto on July 2nd and 3rd. These highly...
Keyshia Cole Lights Up Toronto’s “I💜R&B” with an Unforgettable Performance On July 9th, the vibrant city of Toronto came alive with the soulful rhythms of R&B...
One of the hottest names in hip hop, A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, brought his Me VS Myself Tour to Hamilton on the evening of June...
The drill music scene burst seemingly out of nowhere, completely transforming the hip-hop genre and making its mark about ten years ago. With its unique style...
American R&B sensation Bryson Tiller thrilled Toronto music enthusiasts with his soulful melodies. He brought his highly anticipated Back and I’m Better Tour to the History...
CHRISTIAN MARICONDA TALKS ABOUT LOYALTY AND TRUST ON HIS NEW TRACK, “NEVER FOLD.” The Canadian rapper dropped the song “Never Fold” on YouTube and Spotify on...
Quin NFN’s ‘We Got’: Unleashing Raw Energy and Groovy Beats Quin NFN, a promising hip-hop star from Austin, introduces listeners to his electrifying track, “We Got.”...